Thursday, June 11

Under Their Skin

I've learnt not to judge people by first few impressions anymore. We often look at people and find fault in them. I know, we're just human but so are they. Its becoming this awful trend to just look at the bad side of people. How come we have become so shallow? All we do is look at the surface when there's actually deeper within there are beautiful corals awaiting.

For a short time, i joined some friends at school in gossiping. You know, chit chat. But then it started to grow into conversations that judge people on how they look or how they act. And i thought the only way i could let them to like being around me, is to converse with them too. But well we have our wake up calls and i did get mine.

The phrase 'dont judge a book by its cover' is very true. We always look at people -- lets say, the way they dress. They wear mini skirts or tudung-less or 'seluar jepun' and then we let our mouth do the talking. We always judge. We should think before we say. Of course people might have waaay different values from us but who are we to judge? Just pray and hope people get faith. Because u never really know a person, not even your sister or your best friend.

Guinea Pig #1
Mr. D. He is very geekish, wear pants till his belly button, is in the behind classes. People often tease him of his weird ways. But if we take a moment to just look, he always wears a smile on his face and greets people. People might seem to see him as creepy but to him, he's just being friendly. Then why all the mockery? Then I went to the library to study and found the 'buku yang dipinjam di red spot'. And shocking enough, Mr. D always, and I mean the book is full with his name borrowing books like encyclopedias and informative books. I thought that was just amazing on how low people look at him but he is actually a person who yearns for general information and is just plain happy (:
Guinea Pig #2
Ms N. She is the loudest girl I have ever met. She goes to the same tuition as me and I've known her since last year. She has this piercing voice that disturbs the whole class. She is sometimes rude to the teacher and that upsets me n most of the students. I used to come back from tuition feeling angry and annoyed by her childish behaviour. Until this one day, I went to the mosque for terawih prayers. Sometimes I go to the BJ Surau. And I saw her. Everytime I go there. She plays with the children so nicely and i saw her soft side. Eventhough I thought she was crappy but just observe for a moment, try to see the better side of a person, and I did. And I prayed for her.

So there you have it. This is my perception of things. We observe people, but it doesnt mean they are wrong or right. They are different. We have to learn to stop saying 'i hate him/her' or 'ish tak suka lah' and practice saying 'oh he/she is just different' or 'pray that she/he would go to a better path'. Avoid thinking negatively. It corrodes our mind.
Its all in the matter of taking a better look and see it in a different perspective. Im sorry if i had said bad things about people truly I am. Im trying to instill this in myself and if i judge somebody, please stop me. It would be a good deed. Lets help each other, in the making of creating a better me and you.



Blogger k said...

beautiful :)

11/6/09 6:50 PM  
Blogger Keev said...

lol. the msg i sent u. coincided with what hpnd today. i din even noe bout this post. i saw her true colours today. haha

11/6/09 9:28 PM  
Blogger Dahiyah A said...

thank you k (: preciate it

17/6/09 9:20 PM  
Blogger Dahiyah A said...

i knw right keev
louder than endarah

17/6/09 9:20 PM  

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