Saturday, January 31

Run Like Your Ass Is On Fire

As far as what I've heard from my friends, they've been snoring their days away -- waking in the afternoon, melepek depan tv, comp. Me and my dad memang member tgk tv, gelak berdua2. Then mak ckp "the tv is an idiot box. One day I'm going to hide a camera and record people watching tv. Y'all look like idiots watching a box." Uhh, NGERI.

But no, not this hols. Im struggling to get some relaxation. I'm busy every day of the hols. Every morning I have a 2-hour training -- intensive training for cross country. Me and 19 other people crazy people who decided to run their fats off these hols are running, like, 10km a day. I can barely feel my legs now. And to add on to that, I also have badminton training after running. Everyday guys. EVERYDAYYYY. But I gotta admit, I THINK I lost some weight already.
Honestly, Im not complaining much. I like, no no, love sports. Yeah, the sweat, the dirt, the pressure. Ah right. More of the adrenaline rush and excitement of course. We're gonna compete the race in Bukit Cherakah. My team has been going there, sweating like pigs (if pigs do sweat) and I like running there. The first few km are just miles and miles of trees. Its actually a taman haiwan. But I havent spot any of my monkey cousins so far.
School is in 2 days and I still havent finished my homework. Most of us havent, I did the survey already. Pity you asrama students, padan muka, YEK. Oh well, no worries. Im not going to school on tues and thurs due to my sports competition. Thats why I love sports. It always manages to save my ass from mishapes. Hurrah hurrah.



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