Monday, December 29



I was doing the laundry when my mom called me to the living room. My Mak Ngah heard the doa qunut recited as the masjid during Asar prayer. She asked to open the news channel because qunut is read when danger had occured to the muslims. True enough there was. Of course u've all heard about the attack on Gaza strip right? Bombed by the bloody stupid Israelis. Ya Allah, laknatilah orang Israel yang membunuh rakyat Palestin yang tidak bersalah! Yakni look now, 320 is the death toll and 15oo are injured! What sense is that? Their excuse is that Palestineans killed ONE isrealian. ONE! For years the israelis have been killing thousands of muslims! Have the they no heart?! First they take over 3/4 of the Palestine land and now they are pouring the blood of innocent people! Curse the Israelians!!

How can the Israelis say this is just the beginning?! Ughhhh the RAGE! Protests is being done all over the world. I watched tv just now and it is said that Sana'a, Yemen (where I am now) did the biggest protest where thousands of muslims gathered in the stadium voicing out their disagreement to the bombings. On that day, the universities were closed and all the students went to protest. I am so proud to be here. To know that people around me are showing their anger to these terorrists. Allahuakhbar!

My family has been sponsoring two children in Lebanon which is not far from Gaza for the past few years. We give them money each year as to support their financial needs. We exchange letters occasionally. I pray that they will be in safe condition.

Guys, if u want to donate or contribute to the victims in Gaza please email me at . My mother is collecting funds for them and knows a person who can go to Gaza and give the money himself. So please alert me and help them out. Even if its only a few ringgits, its ok. Its sedekah towards jihad. Dont worry, your money will be in good hands, insyaAllah.

We need to act out, stop them from killing our muslim brothers and sisters. Stop talking and start acting. Allah will guide us insyaAllah.




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