Friday, March 20

She Speaks

Ever feel like there's somebody else inside you just searching for a way to come out?

Sunday, March 15

Thoughts With Wings

You know like in stories, where people always have their special places like deep in the woods or the attic or something like that. Well im pretty sure most of us do to.

Its a place where you can let ur thoughts fly, let your wildest imaginations roam the sky. Most people dont share it with others. Because its a place where u can be whoever u wanna be without anybody stopping u -- its all about you.

The special moments i have for myself are usually shared with the sky. I dont know, there's something about the sky, that soothes me in ways I cant describe. I love the contrasts of the sky. Its not like any other blue. The colour is somewhat very deep but see-through at the same time. Its like there's no ending to it. I always find time to have a good look at the vast blanket and let my thoughts fly. Because imagine, if your in a room, ur thoughts are blocked by the concrete ceiling -- feeling trapped. But outside, with the fresh air and the cotton clouds, my thoughts can fly up high, roaming around the blue shades. It has never failed to bring me at peace.

Speaking of the devil, stars too have been accompanying me through many journeys. I dream of dancing with the stars, absorbing the light that would shine my way to a great life. The beauty of the stars have always amused me. God is Great. He has created many wonders of the world for us to see his amazing powers. The stars are what makes me smile. I can look at them for ages, without feeling the slightest boredom. Not many people can experience this feeling. It has to be done with an open mind, an open heart. Its truly magical.

Still keeping up with the nature, next up is the ocean. Not the entire beach, but the ocean. The glittering shine of the water sends exhiliration up my spine. The special thing i like about oceans, is that when the sun lends its light to the surface of the deep sea, it sends a reflection whereby the ocean seems to sparkle. Its like the water is shining with glitters. Oh its breathtaking, truly it is.

A spot where a trees grows, bearing flowers of joy, beautifying the land. Its not a very strategic place, my special tree is. Its behind the school canteen believe it or not. I am the head biro for the so called "kawasan larangan" of the school. So during reccess, I have to go around the school and check if the premises are clear and bla bla bla. But behind the canteen, grows this amazing tree with beautiful flowers on it. N what makes it even more fascinating is that there are hundreds of butterflies fluttering around the tree. Its beautiful, i swear. N its a place i cherish after the stress of being a student. Like always, letting my thoughts be free.

So these places can be practically anywhere u want it to be. But the question is, is your mind open enough to create this whole other world? And if it is, your thoughts will definitely have wings.

This entry can only be meaningful to those who experience the same thing.


Friday, March 6

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