Saturday, January 31

Kau Cari Kutu Aku, Aku Garu Belakang Kau

Laporan :
Satu serbuan telah dilancarkan ke rumah Athirah yang disertai oleh sepasukan monyet. Pasukan ini telah berjaya menyepahkan rumahnya, menjengkelkan adik-adiknya, memenuhkan memori kameranya dan menjamah snek2 yang boleh membuncitkan perut tuannya.


I love you guys from deep down in my heart and I would do anything for you guys. You guys made me feel so at home, free to be me. You listen to me, you understand me. You fulfill me. I got ur backs amigas.



Run Like Your Ass Is On Fire

As far as what I've heard from my friends, they've been snoring their days away -- waking in the afternoon, melepek depan tv, comp. Me and my dad memang member tgk tv, gelak berdua2. Then mak ckp "the tv is an idiot box. One day I'm going to hide a camera and record people watching tv. Y'all look like idiots watching a box." Uhh, NGERI.

But no, not this hols. Im struggling to get some relaxation. I'm busy every day of the hols. Every morning I have a 2-hour training -- intensive training for cross country. Me and 19 other people crazy people who decided to run their fats off these hols are running, like, 10km a day. I can barely feel my legs now. And to add on to that, I also have badminton training after running. Everyday guys. EVERYDAYYYY. But I gotta admit, I THINK I lost some weight already.
Honestly, Im not complaining much. I like, no no, love sports. Yeah, the sweat, the dirt, the pressure. Ah right. More of the adrenaline rush and excitement of course. We're gonna compete the race in Bukit Cherakah. My team has been going there, sweating like pigs (if pigs do sweat) and I like running there. The first few km are just miles and miles of trees. Its actually a taman haiwan. But I havent spot any of my monkey cousins so far.
School is in 2 days and I still havent finished my homework. Most of us havent, I did the survey already. Pity you asrama students, padan muka, YEK. Oh well, no worries. Im not going to school on tues and thurs due to my sports competition. Thats why I love sports. It always manages to save my ass from mishapes. Hurrah hurrah.


Friday, January 30

Not Going To Repeat The Same Mistake

Yes. Maybe yes. Could just be it.
The world could see the gleam on her face.
She's shocked. Pinch, pinch.
Must be a dream. But no.
The wind blew. Its real.
Her heart flew high.
Clouded by joy.
And her smile. That specific smile.
She hasnt smiled like that.
For the longest time.
She sits, she stares.
No. Maybe no. It might not be it.
Flashbacks roled.
No more of the past. None of it.
Now she's confused.
Uncertainty takes her whole.
What now?
Will disappointment haunt her again?
She sighs a big sigh.
But she had faith.
Let it lay in God's hands.
She'll let nature take its role.
Hope that things will fall into place.
One thing is for sure.
No more regrets.
Her eyes are closed.
Let me do the right thing.
Maybe yes. Maybe no.
She'll just go with the flow.
Wishing that she'll get it.
Her cinderella ending.


Monday, January 26

Limau Mali

Especially to my girl, ting tong. Thanks my dear for being a great deskmate these past 2 years. Bring back some oranges ok bebe? Last day of school, i ate like 4 oranges in class haha :D Have fun in Muar. I know I will, here. Im gonna get angpau's from my chinese relatives, WOOH!

P/S-Dunt forget to wear red underwear for luck! :D


Saturday, January 17


Dearest beloveds, I MISS YOU SO.
I was reminiscing the folder of our pictures and I was totally screaming to myself AHHH RINDDDUUU! You guys are so awesome, love u loads !

I know I'm gonna kena habis-habis for putting this so-called "kodi" pic haha I LOVE IT :D


Tuesday, January 13

Shirts and Balls

I am dead beat right now. Im soo tired, today's training was non-stop. Fuh, I just wanna jump in to bed and get a good night sleep. But I just finished my homework, which was A LOT and I got a text from the t-shirt seller kakak :
" kak leny psl tshirt design.akk dah send email so tngok dlu n comfm back tmro ok"

So got the laptop out and checked mail.



Its, ummm, okay but the wiriting is smaller than I thought. But its simple and well enough I guess. Hmm, better contact her to make size bigger. But bigger size, more dollars -.-

I dont know why the heck im telling u guys this but I just wanted to fill up my blog and squish in another entry. Our netball game is on 20th jan, so wish us luck. We need all the luck we can get.



Sunday, January 11

Snap of a Finger

Schooool eh ? Scheduele now "action-packed"

Everyday stuff now :

1. Wake up at 6 and improved my liat-ness HU-RRAH :D
2. Sips on tea every morning
3. Driven to school by dad and both complaining on how slow the traffic light is and superstitiously says it'll be a lucky day if all the lights are green
4. Arrive at school, hugs everybody and do prefect duty.
5. Goes in class which appears to be filled with students who all of them seem to be studying 24/7 (my class, at least)
6. Study new things and students asks for homework (5A students are very weird, believe me)
7. Recess. Goes to 5B, asks a friend to accompany to koperasi.
8. Buys the same drink and koperasi : LIME
9. Continue studies and hear Endarah's loud voice during studies.
10. Bells rings and school ends. Wait outside for friends and walk home.
11. Share school stuff with friends and watch Aisy being accompanied to cross the longkang, everytime.
12. Reach junction where me n friends seperate. Say hello to our tree-friend, BARKY.
13. Arrive home, solat Zuhur and eat lunch.
14. Sleep on couch for one hour, but always disturbed by bibik's babblings over the TV.
15. Goes to badminton at 3 at dewan and do training.
16. Rush to netball training at school at 4'15.
17. Finish at 6'30 and rides bike to drink air kelapa.
18. Dad picks up and go home and bath and do homework.
19. SLEEPS and apparently snores -.-
20. Fridays : Tuition addmaths 2'45 - 4'45, biology 5-6'15.
21. Saturdays : More badminton and netball trainings.

What can I say ? Im a busy girl.


Thursday, January 1


Today, i'm leaving Yemen.
Im leaving Yemen with such a heavy heart. This place has opened my heart so much to how beautiful islam is. And I hope to return home as a better muslimah, insyaAllah.

The people I'm going to miss :
Mak Ngah

She's the one in pink :D

I am very very very close to my mak ngah. We can just click and be very crazy together. She has brighten up my days here and I'm going to miss her tonnes and loads. Thank you mak ngah :D


"The Man" as he calls himself. Fun 14year old to be with. He lets me play his PSP, what an honour! :D Thank you for tahan-ing my kerenah hee hee. And we had good laughs didnt we dude? :D Hope u will excel in ur exams man. Ur a great muslim. Gonna miss you man!

Ayah Ngah

The photographer, driver, kuaci man and mountain dew buddy! :D Thanks ayah ngah for all the comfort, we really appreciate it :) Oh and for the enlightening talks which opened up my heart. Jazaillahulkhair, u made me strive to be a better muslimah, alhamdulillah. Thank you! :) And I will miss ur sarcasm, for sure.


Tadaa this is nawal! :) She is my closest friend in Yemen. She's my aunty's neighbour and she's 14. She is just amazingly nice. She speaks only a number of words in english, so we converse in arabic 24/7! Woohoo so proud of myself. Thank you Nawal for teaching me arabic, teaching me how to tie tudung arab style and teaching me how to make popcorn. Once we were making popcorn and left it to meletup then we went to the toilet and came back with the popcorn overflowing and jumping its way to the ground. Oh dear, how I will miss you so ;(




Aww to my darling nextdoor neighbours! They are such a joy :D Their mother is Philipino and their dad is lebanese. They speak fluent arabic. I like speaking to them because they know only basic arabic as do I. But sometimes they kecek arab sampai I dont understand so buat dek je hehe. They always cry when I have to send them back home. Im really gonna miss them. They call me khala (aunty :( ) Haha. They're gonna move kot but I hope to see them again when I return to Yemen, insyaAllah. They are just simply adorablee! Ahhhh

So, my trip to Yemen have been amazing as you can see :D Alhamdulillah, its an experience of a lifetime. I will do whatever it takes to return. InsyaAllah :)

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