Sunday, September 27

It Shall Haunt Till Judgement Day

You know, it was raya right? So all my relatives that has seen me tonnes of times every raya would ask the same question.

"Ahh, Aisyah berapa tahun dah?"
"Tujuh belas"
"Ohhh SPM lah ye!"

Everybody says that. I mean, everyone. Onced they've known that ur 17, the word SPM never fails to pop out as the first thing to be said. They'll all ask, oh dah ready? Dah dekat ye SPM! Yes Im pretty sure all us form fivers are quite aware of that. We think about it every single day. Ever think that we need a break from listening the letters 'S', 'P', and 'M'. I guess people just dont know how else to start a conversation. They normally go with :

Ur so tall!
U've gained weight!

Its always about appearance. Why are people so judgemental? It always have to do with physical, hishh. So anyway, SPM is practically stamped on each form fivers head. Its quite tiring, but at times engaging. I was so pening all the SPM questions, when we drove home, I actually saw a building called ; SPM SDN BHD.
I was like what? This thing definitely has controlled my mind. It was this recycling industry or something. But still, SPM is everywhere. And its coming.

After doing trials, all of us got this wake up call on how hard SPM is. All this while I thought, hey maybe it'll be okay. I've done the past years. They seem fine (yeah, because you looked at the answers dumbo). Trials was horrible. It was hard, really. I have no confidence in it whatsoever. Im doomed, doomed!

Everybody expects you to well in SPM. Everybody wants you to shoot for the stars. Its hard sometimes, to live up to everyone's expectation, that you dont realise the most important expectation is from you yourself.

So we all have to get in gear now, its a month away! And it won't be pretty!


Raya raya !

Very very late selamat hari raya wish! Yes as you all can see, my blog has not been updated for the past, ehem ehem, two months? How embarassing. Trust me, I didnt even touch my computer. I let it rot and collect dust by the corner of the room. Maklumlah, trial.

So this year's theme was in midst of purplish pinkish. Had a great time at mt grandmama's open house where I ate so much, that I gained back all the weight I lost during 30-day puasa in 1-day raya. Yeah, I was like this blood sucking eating cow that attacked everything especially Nek Uda's wondrous serunding (:

Went raya here and there. Suprisingly did not get any stains on my other baju raya which kain is white (and very -- EXTREMELY -- proud of it). I was kinda embarassed taking duit raya from people because I felt, well you know, old enough. Im gonna work soon anyway. So I said this to everyone but everyone gave (: Then this one mak cik, actually LISTENED to what I said (?) and did not give me duit raya. I was like, ummmm, hmmm. I thought this whole reverse psychology would work, but apparently only 1 in every 50 people.

Anyhow, my family did a open house, like every other year. We are quite a weird family. Every year, we'll plan on how small we wanna make the open house and invite as little amount of people as possible. But hey, it'll never work huh? We'll end up with 200 people -- every year. And this year, slightly less, just about 113 people. Its in our nature. To invite everybody O.O

So I invited a bunch of my friends this year! About 20 of em. And we had a blast. Everybody looked smashing, took great photos and told about each other's stories. I really missed them, like a lot, so hurrah hurrah they came (:

And Selamat Hari Raya. A late one anyway.


Saturday, September 26


Missed me ?