Tuesday, June 30

Alert Alert

PLKN SEMAK 92xxxx-xx-xxxx
Send to 15888 to get confirmation of acceptance to PLKN

Patut buat atau tidak ? Patut atau tidak?
*Gulp* Menggeletar.

Guna phone too suspens. Cuba through internet.
Semakan senarai pelajar plkn 2010.
Cannot find server
Cannot find server
*Back, Click
Cannot find server
*Close window, retype
Cannot find server

Ah memang takdir tak perlu tahu sekarang
Brrr, goosebumps O.O

Winded Up

Things To Do Tomorrow :
1. Wake up at 6
2. Laugh at my noisy hp alarm that screams KONICHIWA
3. Previous laugh was because I dont need to wake up early
4. Happy Im not going to school (:
5. Study
6. Study
7. Study
8. Eat
9. Study
10. Study
11. Study
12. Poop
13. Study
14. Study
15. Study
16. Study

Ahh whats the difference of being home or at school? Its non stop studying anyway. Huhhh, Trials 2 more MONTHS O.O

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid.

Saturday, June 27

Freaky Friday

Yang mana anak, yang mana emak ?


Friday, June 26

Pictures Says 1000 Words

How much more Muhibah can we get ? :D

Men and photos. pffft.

The Deaf, The Mute, The Cuckoo

Ever laughing gang

Wanita di sebalik Nicholas (:

Went Sunway and watched Transformers. Great movie, super advanced animation, felt so real. But I doubt that guy's ass was animated O.O How am I going to sleep ? Had fun ((((:

P/S - you guys are awesome.


Thursday, June 25


Why is it that we often look at other people and wish that we're like them? "Oh wow, she's so cool, pretty and all the nice things in the world." Ugh, im tired of all this. Im tired, because why the hell am I feeling this way?

Its like I never feel that Im ever going to be good enough. No matter how hard I try, no matter how much it hurts, beauty still lays in the eye of the beholder. Either the person prefers the outer shell or the inner person.

I dont know. I just feel like expressing. I know whats the problem. Its the fact that I have to love myself. I mean it. We need to love ourselves to be able to carry ourselves well and be proud of what we are. But how come I dont sometimes,

Its like I want to satisfy everybody's needs by being this person or that, rather than thinking what I need. How come I still lack the confidence and Im still not comfortable with how I carry myself?

I want to not care how people look at me but at the same time be the best that I can for them -- and myself. I want my presence to comfort others and be able to interact with everybody, anybody.

So all I need is to love myself. Feel proud of the reflection on my mirror.

How do I do that?


Gigi Stapler

Just. Tightened. Hurts. So. Bad. Yiaouch! Need. Panadol.

**Jelas dan nyata gambar di atas bukan lah saya tetapi dipetik dari flickr buat tatapan ramai.


Tuesday, June 23

Pay It Forward

This movie is a really really good movie. I watched it when I was young and i remember the story being very sad and good. So I was really happy when HBO was showing this movie.

It is a story about this teacher who gives an assignment to the students to figure out an idea on how they would like to change the world. The main character is a 12-year old boy named Trevor. For the assignment, Trevor made up a terrific idea which turned out to help thousands of lives.

Trevor's idea is about him helping 3 people, who has a problem which they cant be able to overcome themselves. When he has helped them out, he does not expect them to pay back, but to pay forward. Each of these three people have to help out another three people and the list would go on. His idea went on to all over the world and he was well known for this.

I think this is a pretty amazing concept which makes us think about this. We ourselves can do this and help many lives. I felt a need to share this idea with u, so that maybe, it'll work.

Why not give it a shot, right?


Monday, June 22

Back To Nature

Remember I went to Cameron?
Yeah my momma bought me this plant, you see. Its a heart shape plant! Its sorta under the cactus family. But the plant, is like a very thick leaf. Its really really pretty.

I arrived home and my mom said she dedicated this plant for me (: Its so thoughtful and sweet. I keep it at her favourite place in the house which is the library downstairs for everybody to see.

Ma, I Love You ♥


Sunday, June 21


Yes my dear friends. That there is my left foot -- both the pictures. I have this bruise on my little left toe so my mom was worried that the bone might be fractured. But alas ! It is still attached -- mighty strong ! U see how LONG my foot is? Im a size 9. Searching for shoes, pfft, memang susah. Oh well, whats important is that my bone is not broken and I can join sports day in a few weeks woohoo !

Sports Maniac

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Saturday, June 20

Triple T K.A


TTDI Jaya got away with 5 bronzes and 2 silvers *applause!*

I went home with a silver medal, a swollen toe the size of a blimp, and for the finale -- I came back barefooted because of a slipper mishap !

I guess you win some you lose some huh,


Friday, June 19


KUCHING: Semua warga negara ini yang berusia 18 tahun, kecuali mereka yang disahkan menghidap penyakit jantung, cacat anggota tubuh badan dan terencat mental, diwajibkan mengikuti Program Latihan Khidmat Negara (PLKN) mulai 2014.

Serentak itu, Pengerusi Majlis Latihan Khidmat Negara (MLKN) Datuk Dr Tiki Lafe, berkata pemilihan pelatih bagi program itu yang diguna pakai sekarang akan dimansuhkan dan semua lepasan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) tahun itu, wajib menjalani latihan berkenaan.



Wednesday, June 17

Monty Python

Little Red Riding Hood
-A british comedy-


Sunday, June 14

Yiaaaoo !

School's in.
Everybody run and scream !


I was looking at some old photos in my folders and found this picture. I've grown taller since then. Gosh, im tall -.-

Abah, I love you so much, immensely! You are my hero (; You have made me to what I am today.


By The Window Sill

believed . hoped . crushed . releasing . waiting . hoping . believing

U believed once, u believe again.

Friday, June 12

Dekat Di Hati

The best-est you'll ever find.
P/s- hariz, drag me to hell was a good choice.
It was so scary that it was funny !


Thursday, June 11

Under Their Skin

I've learnt not to judge people by first few impressions anymore. We often look at people and find fault in them. I know, we're just human but so are they. Its becoming this awful trend to just look at the bad side of people. How come we have become so shallow? All we do is look at the surface when there's actually deeper within there are beautiful corals awaiting.

For a short time, i joined some friends at school in gossiping. You know, chit chat. But then it started to grow into conversations that judge people on how they look or how they act. And i thought the only way i could let them to like being around me, is to converse with them too. But well we have our wake up calls and i did get mine.

The phrase 'dont judge a book by its cover' is very true. We always look at people -- lets say, the way they dress. They wear mini skirts or tudung-less or 'seluar jepun' and then we let our mouth do the talking. We always judge. We should think before we say. Of course people might have waaay different values from us but who are we to judge? Just pray and hope people get faith. Because u never really know a person, not even your sister or your best friend.

Guinea Pig #1
Mr. D. He is very geekish, wear pants till his belly button, is in the behind classes. People often tease him of his weird ways. But if we take a moment to just look, he always wears a smile on his face and greets people. People might seem to see him as creepy but to him, he's just being friendly. Then why all the mockery? Then I went to the library to study and found the 'buku yang dipinjam di red spot'. And shocking enough, Mr. D always, and I mean the book is full with his name borrowing books like encyclopedias and informative books. I thought that was just amazing on how low people look at him but he is actually a person who yearns for general information and is just plain happy (:
Guinea Pig #2
Ms N. She is the loudest girl I have ever met. She goes to the same tuition as me and I've known her since last year. She has this piercing voice that disturbs the whole class. She is sometimes rude to the teacher and that upsets me n most of the students. I used to come back from tuition feeling angry and annoyed by her childish behaviour. Until this one day, I went to the mosque for terawih prayers. Sometimes I go to the BJ Surau. And I saw her. Everytime I go there. She plays with the children so nicely and i saw her soft side. Eventhough I thought she was crappy but just observe for a moment, try to see the better side of a person, and I did. And I prayed for her.

So there you have it. This is my perception of things. We observe people, but it doesnt mean they are wrong or right. They are different. We have to learn to stop saying 'i hate him/her' or 'ish tak suka lah' and practice saying 'oh he/she is just different' or 'pray that she/he would go to a better path'. Avoid thinking negatively. It corrodes our mind.
Its all in the matter of taking a better look and see it in a different perspective. Im sorry if i had said bad things about people truly I am. Im trying to instill this in myself and if i judge somebody, please stop me. It would be a good deed. Lets help each other, in the making of creating a better me and you.


Tuesday, June 9

My Sister's Keeper


See the trailer;

Nico the movie is coming out I am soo excited! I suggest you all read it before watching the movie. As nico said, its unputdownable. I was even going to talk about this book at assembly that dat but you know the delays.

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Hubba Hubba !

I practically dreamt I was chatting with him in a mamak
shop and it totally distracted me during bio exam.
Oh hugh jackman(:

Are You Grateful ?

Few days ago, me and my dad had the honour of ecorting an Iraqi woman and her daughter. We met them at Yemen, in fact (: The mother, Iman, had deep beautiful eyes and her daughter, Raghda, was as fair as snow white and amazingly pretty. As soon as we saw them at the airport, the mother came to me and said, 'Oh Aisyah, so you are the wife?' Oh memang pasrah hancur lebur hati. I have never thought somebody would think Im my dad's wife. Thats just wrongg. Its beecause the last time she saw me, I was in nikab so yeah u get the idea. Gosh, seriously, do I look like mak orang? -.-"

They both were fluent in English coz the mother was an english teacher. So, you guys must be wondering why they came n the first place. Well, it is for the sake of education. Their family lived in Iraq and because of the discrimination they received from the west, they couldnt bare the hard life there. So they had to run away to Yemen, in search of a blissful life. They lived there about 5 years and now Raghda is 23 and wants to further their studies. They came to Malaysia to search for a university for her to study in. And I pray, that she would get accepted in a university she wanted.

My point here is that they had to flee from their homeland, in search of a better life. And went half around the world to give education to their daughter to improve the lifestyle of her life and the generations after her -- and they have a tight budget. See what they have to go through in search of knowledge -- while we sit here relaxed, being blessed with knowledge that can be obtained by a snap of a finger. We should be grateful with everything we have. Dont ttake for granted what in served for you in a silver platter but make the best out of it. That is why we must we work hard and as we learn in agama - bersyukur dengan nikmat yang diberi dan memanfaatkannya ke arah jalan yang benar.

So take a moment to thank God for all the blessings that we get, syukur syukur (:


Monday, June 8

Drinks Anyone ?

U see why I dont drink coffee ?


Friday, June 5

Wujudnya Sawi BOND

Yes dahiyah tahu, dahiyah blogger ter-worst di dunia. Dah naik hols tapi computer tak dihidupkan pun. Lagi2 computer dalam bilik. Memang, kata orang sewel. But serious, time cuti lagi busy dari harihari biasa. Baru semalam dalam relek2, whole day baca buku The Pact, pergh BEST! Honestly, ni tengah nak pegi akad nikah orang tapi alang alang tu luangkan 5 minit untuk blog. Kasihann.

Begini, ada cerita lawak nak kongsi. Semalam pegi enjoy aiskrim dgn abah dekat BK extreme park. Then time balik teringin nak beli dvd. So stop kat kedai india dvd yang selalu pergi tuh. Tengah belek belek dvd, terdengar cerita tu dalam bahasa tamil. Tak ada hati pun nak tahu cerita apa tengah main tu, so terus belek. Tibatiba, "Mister Bond, ama rede 'something something' podeiya" Oh serious?! Hahahah tengok dekat screen rupanya james bond cakap bahasa tamil! Memang kelakar, gelak nak tersungkur. Yang peliknya bukan subtitle tamil tapi audio. Memang lawak gilaaaa. This is the episode yang die another day. Kan ada that penjahat muka ala korea, hah nampak dia cakap tamil macam uisshh memang tak kena. Serious hilang feel tengok cerita tu. James cakap tamil? Hush, hebat zaman sekarang ya?

Lepas tu minda melayang ke SAWI BOND. Hohohoho dekat sekolah memang ada our own Mr Bond! Presenting our fierce tamil hero, Sawi Bond!
