Inai saya warna hitam.
Tapi coraknya lawa sungguh.
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Yayah Hero Habis :D
That's Aly
Banyak lagi gambar coming, dont worrryyy. Then after we ate, just as we were about to continue the journey, a small van which had like 30 girls in it came and they came out of the car playing a rhythm on their gendang. They we young, my age kot. Ada some sort of celebration for a bride. Then we said hye and everything. You know what? Yemenis really like Malaysians. Because we are from a muslim country and well we're nice i guess :D So they kept waving at us, feeling so excited that they met us foreigners. Hati kitorang lagi dug dap haha.
Abah, Me, Aly
After enjoying the rocks and clouds, we went back down. On the way, we saw two cute girls walking. So my grandpa opened his window and offered them candy. After that we drove away. TIBA2, AN AMBUSH OF LITTLE BOYS KEJAR OUR CAR. They wanted CANDY. But we didnt have enough so we drove faster. Then they chased the two girls. The two girls ran for their life! Then the boys pushed the girls to the ground! We were like OMG. So my uncle reversed and went out of the car, marah. Then the boys cabut lari. It was such a scene, man.
Then we went to Ibb and went up a mountain and took really nice pictures of the sun rays. Then my uncle who is a professional photographer was so hyped up when he saw a dandelion and took dozens of pics of it. I took one too :D There:
As we went back to the hotel, hundreds of camels past by! On the road! In front of our hotel! Tekezut saya. Ada camel tempang jugak, kesian :( That night we played "password" and me n aly got beaten by my mak ngah. She will never make me forget that moment hahaha. Dia cium2 invisible trophy. Watch out mak ngah! Vengence will arise.
Then we headed for Jiblah. Here is the place where Queen Arwa once ruled. So looked at her mosque and her museum. U know what? Yemeni's are not good at English. So when we went in the museum, there was a description about her. "Queen Arwa was very beautif000000000000l. She was white, tall and a little fat" HAHAHA! Me and Aly gelak terbahak bahak. Me n aly's museum tour guide was this little girl name Lufa. Hebat jugak dia haha.
Ismuki (Her name is) Lufa.
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Morning time
Senja time
Bayangkan, having a mountain view at your bedroom window. Magnificent man. Ok then for the next day was a very lepak day. Me n my family banyak tidur because trying to adjust to the Yemeni time. Jetlag maa. Over here is 5 hours lagi lambat from Malaysia. So if its 7pm here, its 12am in Malaysia. Dengkur habis oh pagi2 buta. I fasted Zulhijjah on saturday and sunday. Buka puasa here is earlyyy, at 5'30pm. Hee hee.
On saturday, we went to the SOUK (pasar) to buy some stuff. Pssstt, girls, I got some stuff for youu! :D It was soo crowded because Eid was coming. All the sellers were guys. Tak kira lah jual bra ke tudung ke, the men sold them. And the streets were filled with burung gagak (women in black abbaiyyahs). Hahaha everyone looked alike. And it was the first time I went out in nikab. It felt awesome because everyone looked alike, so none of us could outlook the other, I felt very happy. Because of the nikab only showing my eyes, puas gila menguap besar2 in public because nobody knows. Dah la temperature freezingg cold. Kalau hingus meleleh pun orang tatau. HEEE :DCool eh? Other people wore black or brown. He he, dare to be different meh.
The old city was breathtaking. Seriously, amazing. The buildings were magnificent. And one of my favourite things in Yemen is the sky. There are no clouds here so the sky is so clear and there are so many shades of blue, its just sooo cantik. I post all the pictures below. It only rains 25days in a year and it will rain really heavily. Sampai banjir (oh, something in common with TTDI J :D) So they have this thing called the "Saila" where the roads have walls around it to store banjir water. See, why lah orang TTDI J takboleh fikir benda macam ni. Mengek. I know you guys wanna see pictures. P/S - no editing has been done. Ori punyaa. Haa ni dia ;
Ok so at the old city, I dont know how lah people recognise us as foreigners, but a lot of people came to us and said "Sourah! (Picture!)" Diorang terhegeh2 nak ambik gambar ngan my family. Apa lagi, come come lai lai! :) And kat sana, ALL the men will have jambiya (big curved knife) around their waist. Bukannya guna for attacking or apa apa. Its just like an accesory. Its their culture. And because of the chilled weather, they all wear coats. Oh and budak budak kat sana, mak aihhh, pakai bukan main lagi fancy. Fwah fwah habis! Mcm untuk talent show or something. This is the time for them to wear clothing like that. Besar nanti haa tutup segala benda, ambik kau!
Tabik oh mamat ni gila cool ! :D
Adumak, panjang lebar lagi nak bercerita, but now its 10'30 and I have to wake up early tomorrow because we're going to the Hadiqah (Park). Hurraah! :D be continued
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